X National Conference of Disinfestation: the thanks of President Marco Benedetti
The two days of the event saw the participation of various members of the institutional, scientific and academic world and of a foreign delegation representing CEPA, the European Confederation of Disinfestation Services.
I would like to thank, first of all, the supply companies associated with ANID which, thanks to their contribution, as sponsors, have made possible the success of this important event. I would like to mention them all, because, without their support, we could not have organized such an event: Arysta, BASF, BAYER, Bleu Line, Colkim, Copyr, Ekommerce, Enthomos, India, In Pest, Martignani, OSD Ecotech Group, PestNet, Orma, Spray Team, Typhon, Vebi, Newpharm, Plutosystems.
During the Conference, it was highlighted how our profession is increasingly linked to technological innovation: for this reason, we have taken up the challenge of Industry 4.0, customizing it in Disinfestation 4.0, as we are convinced that the synergy between professionalism in the field of Pest Management and new technologies. The evolution of our industry has consolidated the professionalism of the operators, bringing to the attention of the public, our “social” profile, on vital issues such as the protection of the environment, health, and food.
Our association has always placed its strong point in the professionalism of its technicians, asserting, already from unsustainable times (about ten years ago), the need to have internal figures in step with the times and, especially, in line with what the global market requires.
We strongly supported the European Standard UNI EN 16636, which codifies and defines the process of delivery of our service and the skills of those who perform it: this, however, does not exempt us from awareness, although there are important figures in our sector, road that leads to the recognition of Trained Professional is still in itinere. Soon we will have institutional meetings with the Ministry of Health, with the aim of defining the best and arriving at an official recognition of the training path, in order to regulate and certify our professionalism.
We are convinced that the Italian Pest Control sector is an integral part of the National Industry 4.0 Plan, of which it shares the guidelines and strategies: in this context we would like to strongly emphasize how the relationship between environmental protection and disinfestation services should always be evaluated, considering as an absolute priority the protection of human health. The new technologies, the use of remote management of weed control points, the software for monitoring in the food sector, the use of drones, are innovative aspects of vital importance, which, however, can not express an accomplished value if dissociated from human resources and their professional skills.
We are aware that the global community is going through a period of radical and sudden changes: our professionalism allows us to grasp these changes and transform them into opportunities for the growth and overall development of our activities; this is why we are open to the future, as we see further added value for our companies. All the speeches held during the Conference presented contents of extreme interest and were oriented in the direction expressed just before, in perfect synergy with the proposals and the programmatic lines of the Presidency A.N.I.D.
Finally, we would like to thank all those who have contributed to the excellent organization and management of the event: first of all our staff who have distinguished themselves, as usual, for their commitment and enthusiasm. As ANID we are very satisfied with the outcome of the event: if this could be verified it is certainly for the excellent teamwork that has been done.
Many thanks to all
Marco Benedetti, President of ANID